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Kruga's Expendables

I settled on Goblins as my first Vanguard Warband since out of the options I had on hand they were the force I found most interesting that alpha rules were released for. One of the reasons I am so excited for Vanguard is that I have tons of random models from different factions that were lying unused in my hobby boxes, I have enough spare models to create Salamander, Basilean, Ogres, Kingdoms of Men, Orcs, 2 or 3 Undead, and probably another couple of Goblin warbands if I want.

While the other factions will be on hold till rules come out for their use, I will probably begin work on an Undead Warband for my wife to play sometime soon. Since the Kings of War armies that are on my painting table right now are infantry heavy, having a warband to paint and break up the monotony will also be nice!

I’ve decided to loosely base the background of my Goblin Warband to my Ogre army (ran by a fierce Warlord named Krugakoruk). These Goblins are the ones who follow the Ogres camp, surviving on the scraps from the vanquished foes of Kruga that his army deemed not worthy of taking. Though Kruga despises Goblin-kind for their weakness and does allow them to fight on the same field as his elite Ogre warriors he will sometimes send them ahead of his army to test the defenses of enemies.

I plan to flesh the story of Kruga’s Expendable Goblin Warband as I go along and will submit what I come up with to the Background section of Foreriders.

The models I have would dictate what my list would include, and what I came up with to start is as follows;

Spitter- Grunt x4 16 points Sneak- Warrior x5 20 points Luggit- Warrior x2 12 points Mawbeast- Support x1 8 points Biggit- Command x2 28 points Wiz- Spellcaster x1 15 points Total Pts: 99

For my Sneaks I’m using some old Ral Partha Cave Goblins, one spitter is a Dungeon Saga Goblin Archer, the other 3 are Games Workshop Goblins with slings along with another GW Wiz. The two Goblin warriors from Dungeon Saga will be my Luggits, along with a Dungeon Saga Mawbeast, and another Dungeon Saga Goblin with a spear will take on the role of Biggit along with another Games Workshop Goblin.

Though I have not got to play the game yet, I’m picturing the Spitters and Wiz as providing distraction and cover fire for the 5 Sneaks, with a Biggit, that form the “first contact” group. Then the harder hitting team of Biggit, Luggits, and Mawbeast support, moves in for the (hopefully) killing blow.

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